The cover designer's blog

cover design mockup of judith cosby the attachment

Interview With Author Judith Cosby​

Mother of two, triathlete, and animal whisperer, author Judith Cosby’s childhood dream of becoming an author finally manifested back in 2018 with the release of her first book – Threads: A journey into the picture of the soul. That’s when I met Judith and our ongoing collaboration began.
illustrated book cover design on an ipad

How much does book cover design cost?

4 million. No, it’s not the cost of a professional book cover design. But it could be a great lottery jackpot, right? In fact, that is the estimated number of books published each year.

Interview With Author Alex Tully​

From her cozy home near Cleveland, writer Alex Tully authored three feel-good novels: Hope for Garbage, Beautiful Chaos, and The Lake Never Tells.
Valerie J Brooks author portrait

Interview with Author Valerie J. Brooks

I'm delighted to introduce you to Valerie J. Brooks, award-winning author of femmes-noir psychological suspense novels "Revenge in 3 Parts" and the newly released "Tainted Times 2".
Author image of Joanna Knowles​

Interview With Author Joanna Knowles​

Did you ever wonder what you would do if you unexpectedly got trapped in a broken lift together with three other strangers - unable to escape? Joanna Knowles did and so the story behind "Female Fireflies" started to take shape.